Friday, April 20, 2007

Think Pink

Welcome to the Pink Victorian, where we see things through rose colored glasses, because, quite frankly, everything looks better that way!

It seems inevitable that with a childhood nickname such as "Rosie from Roseville" that I would end up living in a pink house, does it not? Living in a pink house is not for everyone, however, there are advantages--- such as you can say to people, "We live in the second house on the right, the PINK house." And guess what? So far, we have never had a guest who got lost. I suppose if everyone lived in a pink house that could be problematic, so fortunately for us pink houses are few and far between.

Pink is a joyful color. For example, in the liturgy of the Catholic Church, on the Third Sunday of Advent, we light a pink candle which symbolizes the joy in our expectation of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is called "Gaudete Sunday" which means 'rejoice'. It is on this Sunday that the faithful get a little preview of the joy that is to come on Christmas day. During Lent, there is Laetare Sunday, which also features the color pink (or rose, as our priest says-- he doesn't wear pink for crying out loud!) In the season of Lent, this Sunday uses the rose color as a special sign of joy meant to encourage the faithful through their penitential practices. It is another preview of the joy coming at Easter. It's as if pink is a little signpost showing us that the best is yet to come-- hang on!

That's why I love the color pink. It is a joyful, happy and calming color. Where would roses be without the color pink? Or sunsets? Or little piggies? Pink is the color of a lot of my favorite things; babies, cotton candy, bubblegum, kittens' noses, petunias and yes, even flamingos. Someday I will put one in my yard, just because.

Pink is even used in popular sayings, such as "Tickled pink" which means of course, happy. Or what about "In the pink" which means you're healthy.

Pink is also romantic. I carried a bouquet of pale pink roses on my wedding day. My bridesmaids? They wore pink, of course. The groomsmen and the groom wore pink boutineers.

So welcome to my blog, where the best is yet to be! Through my blog, I hope to add some joy to your day. Until we meet again, may all your days be pink ones!

1 comment:

Mary W. said...

Welcome to blogging! I'll add you to my blog roll :-)